Marketing strategy plan

What the Five P's Can Do for You?

What the Five P's Can Do for You?

Learn About Marketing strategy plan Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy plan: What the Five P's Can Do for You?

Marketing strategies can be aided by the 5Ps – Price, Promotion, and Place – which help keep marketing professionals focused and efficient. Let’s dive deep into the importance of these five Ps for your brand.

There are many options when it comes to digital marketing strategies. There are many elements to digital marketing, including SEO, social media, and email. It can be difficult for digital marketers to keep their eyes on all aspects of the marketing mix. The 5 P’s in marketing are here to help.

These P’s are core values that form the basis of marketing. They also help to align company values. It doesn’t really matter which strategies you choose, the five P’s will be the focus of all your marketing efforts.

What are the 5 Ps of a successful marketing strategy plan?

A “marketing mix” is a combination of the five Ps in marketing. The actions taken by brands to promote their products or services using a particular framework that includes the five most important components of marketing success: price, promotion, and place.

These core principles have been the basis of a successful marketing strategy since the 1940s. Although “people” in the original definition was not mentioned, marketers today tend to include it in their marketing mix. This is what we refer to as 5P’s marketing.

These are the 5 P's of marketing strategy planning

Let's take a closer look at each value.



1. Product

Customers are what your product is. Your product is what you offer to customers, no matter if it's physical or digital. The product is the product's function, branding, and appearance. It also includes quality assurance, warranties, packaging, and other details.

2. Place

The place of marketing is the point at which products are reached by customers. It also refers to how they reach them. This includes your distribution channels and logistics as well as market coverage and service levels. This element has important advantages.

3. Prices

Pricing refers to both the prices of products and the pricing levels for services. This is your marketing strategy to make a profit. It should include costs, advertised prices, discounts, sales and payment. The price of your products can affect how consumers perceive them and could impact the reputation of your brand as being affordable or expensive.

4. Promo-tion

Promoting your product or service is how you present it to your customers. It can cover many aspects of digital marketing such as advertising and social media.

5. People

Brands and businesses are not run entirely by their owners. Your company's success depends on the performance of your employees, customers and partners. It is important to consider the roles and responsibilities of different groups within your company and what your customers want. The people of your company are at the heart of everything, from customer satisfaction to internal satisfaction.

Company Strengths at a glance

Other Marketing Mix P’s that works on your strategy in the marketing plan

These 5 P’s form the foundation of a marketing strategy. However, marketers may want to add a few more Ps depending on your business.

These are some of the P’s that you may want to consider separating in their own categories as part of your marketing mix.

  • Process
    The next element most commonly added to marketing mixes is this: it is all about how you present your products or services to customers. This can make a significant part of your marketing strategy.


  • The physical evidence
    These are the physical parts of the products and services you offer that customers can receive, as well as the delivery proof.


  • Partners
    You might consider adding partners to your marketing network, such as distributors and other partners.


  • Payment
    It refers to how you process transactions and payments.


  • Packaging
    Packaging is the appearance or presentation of products and/or services.


  • Perception
    Modern digital marketing strategies include a lot of digital elements. This includes how your brand is perceived by customers.

marketing initiatives

How important is it to your marketing plans and strategies?

Your brand’s 5Ps can make the biggest difference by helping you to focus on core goals and creating a framework for all your marketing initiatives.

Once you’ve established your foundational pillars, it will be easier to identify areas that need extra support. If you’re having trouble closing sales, it might be worth looking at the prices of your products and the sales staff.

If you’re not getting great feedback about your products and services, it might be time to examine your product line.

Whatever new problems your company faces, or any struggles you may face, having a set of core values to guide your marketing strategy helps keep things focused and on the same goal.

marketing plan

Who plans marketing strategies for the future?

Most likely, the CMO for a business unit will be responsible to create its marketing plan. The CMO may be assisted, however, by other marketing staff and marketing professionals. They often also work with marketing planning teams when necessary. However, marketing analysts are permanent staff members of the CMO.

Real Brands of 5 P's in Marketing

Example from Real Brands of 5 P's in Marketing

Let’s now look at the five P’s in marketing and how they can benefit organizations.

Here are examples of real brands showing how you can use the five P’s to build successful marketing strategies.


Canva revolutionized marketing by giving designers design control over materials.

The platform was initially free to use when it launched. Canva launched premium versions of the product after it was accepted by the market. These include specific features or multiple sizes for businesses.

Canva was mindful of its price and was able to wait to add other features until it was right for them. This made the cost still worthwhile to the users.


Mercaris, a financial technology company, saw a need in marketing its product.

The brand focused on sustainable, organic and non-GMO agriculture to remain ahead of the competition and offer a unique service that doesn’t face as many competitors.

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