content marketing strategy example

sample content marketing strategy

How does content marketing strategy work? Here are some examples

Customers and buyers receive marketing messages more frequently than ever, more than 2900 per day according to current estimates. Marketers are challenged to create engaging content in an atmosphere of limited attention.

Your business will be viewed as a thought leader by having a well-designed content marketing strategy. This helps you educate and inform buyers. Your brand can build a stronger bond with customers by providing useful and enjoyable content that will continue to strengthen and grow over time.

Customer experience matters today. 73% of customers believe

Example of content marketing strategies and customer journeys

Customer experience matters today. 73% of customers believe that getting things right helps to make their purchasing decision. Customer experience is all about personalization. However, many companies fail to provide personalized content for each stage in the buyer’s journey.

Personalized marketing does not just refer to targeting a specific demographic or firmographics group. This includes creating content that is appropriate for every stage of the buyer’s journey.

A personalized content experience can increase the likelihood of 80 percent of customers purchasing a product. This can be achieved by understanding the buyer’s journey and then providing relevant content.

Let’s look at an example from the perspective of a television manufacturer.

  • Awareness. His article was discovered by 8KTV users searching for ‘advantages of having an 8K TV’ in Google. This helps users understand why they need a TV of that size.
  • Takeaways: The manufacturer’s content helped them understand their needs. The page contains a link that will take you to a blog that focuses on the product.
  • Decision. The blog provides an overview of the various 8K TV models. They then decide which one appeals to them and then either buy it now or save it to their wish list for later.
  • This content shows that consumers value and recognize their abilities to make informed decisions.

Content marketing is a solution to common problems

Engaging with customers through content marketing is an innovative way to engage. It also circumvents many of the biggest problems in today's digital world.



My organic search volume needs to be increased

Search engines are the foundation of 68 percent of online experience. It is possible to increase organic awareness through content marketing. Your valuable content will rank highly in search engines. This is a great way to build brand awareness. Your audience will pay less attention to your content if it is relevant.

How do I create brand preference?

Engagement in content marketing is a way to create preference through thought leadership. It makes you an authoritative source of education and information.

My content marketing plan isn't engaging customers.

Your customers should benefit from content marketing, not be sold to. Trust is built when you give something valuable to your customers that they are willing to pay. This is the most effective selling method.

My goal is to be able to contact more people while maintaining my expenses low.

Engagement in content marketing is part of natural conversations with customers and prospects. The content must be related to customers' interests and behavior, creating a consistent story that continues over time. The long-term benefits of content marketing are endless. This effect is multiplied as your content library grows.

my content marketing campaign

How can I show the ROI of my content marketing campaign?

Content marketing, in general, can increase website traffic and support lead qualification, especially when the content is stage-specific, and finally, convert leads into sales.

1. Content marketing components

There are many forms of content marketing. To do the job right you need to know what kind of content buyers like to read.

2. Blog posts.


Your digital marketing strategy should be integrated into your blog’s schedule. You can work with an agency or in-house SEO expert to determine what topics you should write about. Then, create in-depth, keyword-rich articles that directly address the needs of your readers.

If you are a fashion retailer, articles could include information about the different sizes of jeans or a comprehensive overview of the latest catwalk trends. Search engines account for 68 percent of online experience.

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Some Impressive Examples of Content Marketing Strategies that can Inspire Your Next Campaign

Scaling your content marketing efforts can be exhausting. It’s true, especially when volumes are overwhelming and there is pressure to perform. In such cases, what you need is some inspiration. However, the question is, from where do you get that inspiration?

Whatever industry you may be working in, paying attention to content marketing formats that can get your target audiences hooked becomes essential.

So, let’s take a look at some such examples.

Best Content Marketing Verticals

The best examples of content marketing strategies come from companies successfully executing them. These brands have disrupted their respective industries by creating viral content that gives them more exposure and visibility and aligns with their goals and missions.

These strategies enable companies to align directly with Google and leverage the organic search landscape.

Here are a few examples of the verticals where these companies have successfully executed campaigns.

  • Interactive content marketing.
  • Video content marketing.
  • Social media.
  • B2B and B2C content marketing.
  • eBooks.
  • Creative content marketing.
  • Blogs.

Whatever industry you may be working in, paying attention to content marketing formats that can get your target audiences hooked becomes essential.


The following table shows why these strategies work.


Content marketing strategies can get businesses more organic traffic.


These strategies get you more potential prospects and drive sales by bringing in the right customers.

Email Subscribers

Content marketing strategies can also bring you more subscribers who may convert to potential prospects that help boost business.

Case Studies - Inspiring Content Marketing Strategies

You have already seen different verticals for which you can execute campaigns and get the best results. However, it would be much better to see some of these strategies, especially those campaigns that top companies have successfully executed.

1. Creative - Canva's Design Challenge

Regarding creative content marketing, no one probably does it better than Canva. The Canva Design Challenge, which called for creating unique and original images, is one of the best examples of a great content marketing strategy.

There are many reasons why the Canva Design Challenge brought out the essence of content marketing. For instance, the campaign managed to amass over 36,000 posts since it began under the hashtag #CanvaDesignChallenge.

However, the more crucial aspect of this campaign was letting the company share relevant content on social media platforms like Instagram without lifting a finger. Also, being an expert in design, Canva lets users take control of the campaign, allowing expert creators to come forth with out-of-the-box designs.

2. Social Media – Apple Shot on iPhone

Apple’s social media campaign – Shot on an iPhone, encouraged iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Max users to share their best photo shots by taking advantage of the macro cameras. During the campaign, users took their best pictures on their iPhones and shared them on social media platforms using the hashtags #shotonaniPhone and #iPhonemacrochallenge.

The results were promising, as the posts got more than 60,000 likes on Instagram mobile. With this campaign, Apple showed that user-generated content and their campaigns work like a charm to promote products as they enable customers to share their experiences.

3. B2B – Salesforce's Leading Through Change

Salesforce created a content marketing campaign called ‘Leading Through Change.’ The campaign helped the company support, inspire, and nurture businesses that worked to achieve better work-life balance. When work-from-home became the norm, companies had to engage better with their employees and increase vigilance. Salesforce’s campaign helped companies deployed remote workforces gain better engagement and improve leadership, resilience, equity, and sustainability.

The campaign offered Salesforce to step up as a leader in work-life balance and remote working and helped the company connect with its users. Connecting with its users also allowed the company to better engage with them and show that while change is not always easy, sticking to routines may not be the best way to do things.


If your content marketing strategy should go to the next level, you might want to look at some notable players who have successfully executed plans over the years. Here are a few such companies, each of which works with different types of content and can be an inspiration for your next campaign.


  1. Content Marketing Institute.
  2. Famous Campaigns
  3. Information is Beautiful
  4. Virtual Capitalist
  5. The Drum Content Awards
  6. UK Content Awards
  7. Content Marketing Awards

Your content marketing efforts will bear fruit if you can spend time and resources developing effective strategies. However, developing sustainable campaigns that can be beneficial in the long run would be even better.

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